£3,230 raised at Reflect and Remember service

Thank you to everyone who joined us in Norwich Cathedral on Thursday 9th December for the service to to remember those who have received hospice care and commend the remarkable work of the Priscilla Bacon ‘Family’.

Some beautiful readings were delivered by people connected to our charity, the Norwich Lower School Chamber Choir gave two excellent performances and Dr Caroline Barry gave a very poignant address.

It was wonderful to meet so many of our supporters afterwards, over a glass of wine and a mince pie.

The collection taken during the service raised £1,464.26 and we also received donations totalling £1,765.90 from those who were unable to join us in person. This gives a wonderful total of £3,230.16 raised.

Thank you also to the hundreds who watched the live stream on YouTube. If you missed it, please enjoy the recording below.