Malcolm Kemp's garden

Submitted by: Malcolm Kemp
Category: Small garden
This is our little bit of west Norfolk. I started the garden when we moved here in April 2016. As I’m on a tight budget, I’m gradually adding to it each year. All the bedding and basket plants I grow from seed in my small unheated greenhouse and a window sill propagator, as you can see from the greenhouse pic in early May. I’m gradually adding more roses and perennials, this year I have added the pergola and obelisks that my son and I built from scratch, it was our lockdown shielding project.
I think it’s important to try support local small Norfolk business, to keep the Norfolk economy going when I do anything in the garden. All the roses and other perennials I buy from local family nurseries and most of the wood for my projects is local grown and processed timber from the Sandringham estate that is only a few miles away. The pergola isn’t as good as a professional would make, I’m no carpenter or builder and there are some mistakes, but its a sense of achievement to be able to say we made that.
I know my garden isn’t perfect, but it’s a lived in garden to entertain family and friends and for my grandchildren and dog to play in, hence the patchy lawn rather than a perfect showpiece. It’s also a safe place for local wildlife, we have three hedgehogs visit every evening that we enjoy feeding and watching, and also several birds and insects visit. I try to be organic as much as I can for the sake of the wildlife. Since I’m medically retired, my garden is therapeutic for me, giving me something to keep me occupied and exercise. I hope you have enjoyed the tour of our garden.