Over 200 trees planted at Priscilla Bacon Lodge

It has been a busy couple of weeks in the gardens of Priscilla Bacon Lodge.

We were thrilled to receive a Busseys Community Tree Grant, enabling us to plant over 200 trees around the perimeter of our site.

The first tree to go in was the 500,000th in Norfolk County Council‘s ‘1 Million Trees for Norfolk’ scheme, and was a Norfolk Oak grown by volunteers at Gressenhall Community Tree Nursery.

Our Head of Fundraising and Communications, Hugo Stevenson, was joined by Paul Bussey and County Councillor, Chris Dawson, to plant the oak.

Members of Aviva Gardening Club kindly volunteered their time to come and help our Head Gardener, Jack Mackenzie, with the task of planting the rest of the trees. Gus the dog also joined us to supervise proceedings!