All are welcome to a service to connect, sing, give thanks and to remember, as our annual event in the beautiful Norwich Cathedral returns.

There will be contributions from staff members, volunteers and Trustees from the Priscilla Bacon ‘Family’ and Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust. The Chamber Choir of Norwich Lower School will lead the music.

As we reflect, remember and look to the future, please join us to pay tribute to Priscilla Bacon Lodge and to support our work to improve hospice care for the people of Norfolk.

Complimentary drinks and mince pies will be available after the service.

This event is free of charge and no ticket is required, however it would be extremely helpful for catering purposes and the smooth running of the event if you could complete the RSVP form below to let us know you will be attending.

There will be a collection for the Priscilla Bacon Hospice Charity during the evening.

rsvp form