Trusts and Foundations

We are incredibly grateful to all of the Trusts and Foundations who have supported our work; some of whom are listed below:

Alan Boswell Group Charitable Trust
Alborada Trust
Alderman John Norman Foundation
Allchurches Trust
Anne French Memorial Trust
Antelope Trust
Bacon Charitable Trust
Bedford Memorial Trust
Bell Charitable Trust
Big C Cancer Charity
Bradbury Foundation
Bridgewater Charitable Trust
Carrington Charitable Trust
Charles Dunstone Charitable Trust
CL Hill Trust
Clan Trust
Clore Duffield Foundation
Community of All Hallows
Cozens-Hardy Trust
Daphne Edwards Trust
DC Moncrieff Charitable Trust
Earle & Stuart Charitable Trust
Evelyn Rose Fund
Falgate Fund
Florence Clarke Charitable Trust
Garfield Weston Foundation
Geoffrey Watling Charity
Goodman Trust
Gosling Foundation
Harry Henderson Trust
Higham Family Trust
Hintze Family Charitable Foundation
Hobson Charity
Howes Charitable Trust
Ireson Settlement
J and D Hambro Charitable Trust
J Davy Foundation
John and Pamela Salter Charitable Trust
John Armitage Charitable Trust
John Gurney Charitable Trust
John Jarrold Trust
John Pearce Foundation
Julia and Hans Rausing Trust
Kate Walker Trust
Kirby Laing Foundation
Lady Hind Trust
Martin Laing Foundation
Michael and Anna Wix Charitable Trust
Morrisons Foundation
Mrs HR Greene Charitable Settlement
Norfolk Community Foundation
Norfolk County Council
Norfolk Gardens Trust
Norwich Consolidated Charities
Norwich Freemen’s Charity
Paul Bassham Charitable Trust
Pennycress Trust
PF Charitable Trust
Probert Charitable Trust
Rackham Charitable Trust
Ranworth Trust
RC Snelling Charitable Trust
Robert McAlpine Foundation
Sackler Trust
Sandra Charitable Trust
Saracen Trust
Septagon Charity
Shelroy Charitable Trust
Smith & Pinching Charitable Trust
Spurrell Charitable Trust
Starling Family Trust
Stonewall Park Charitable Trust
Stoneygate Trust
The Mercers Company
Timothy Colman Charitable Trust
Trusthouse Charitable Foundation
Wolfson Foundation
Wychwood Charitable Trust
Yvonne Flux Charitable Trust