Who Are NCH&C?

About NCH&C and Priscilla Bacon Lodge

Since its launch in 1979, care at Priscilla Bacon Lodge has been provided by the NHS. In 2010, Priscilla Bacon Lodge became part of the newly launched Norfolk Community Health & Care NHS Trust, (NCH&C).

NCH&C provides community-based health and care to patients across Norfolk. NCH&C looks after people in their own homes and care homes, in GP surgeries, and in their community inpatient units – including Priscilla Bacon Lodge.

Many NHS trusts work closely with charities to allow them to provide the best possible care for their patients. While all core services at Priscilla Bacon Lodge are delivered by NCH&C, collaborating with the Pricilla Bacon Hospice Charity means patients and families can benefit from additional extras which enhance and complement what can be provided by the NHS. Things like the beautiful gardens, the private chef, bereavement counselling and music therapy are provided by the Priscilla Bacon Hospice Charity to enhance patient care.

What is palliative care and specialist palliative care?

The aim of palliative care is to achieve the best quality of life for patients with life-limiting illnesses and to support their families and carers.

Not everyone who dies needs specialist palliative care. Most patients will continue to be seen by their regular GP until the end of their life, or may be visited at home by a community nurse or healthcare assistant.

The specialist palliative care team become involved when a patient’s needs are more complex and cannot be met by their usual care team. These needs may be physical, psychological, social and/or spiritual.

Palliative care services delivered by NCH&C

